May 17th: Tired - its been a long week!

Weight: 11st 4lb

Mood: OK - it is Friday - almost the end of the week

BMI: 25.5

Well, I was a very good girl last night - I left the office shattered after two 12-15 hour days - But I went straight to the gym! I got on my spin bike. I burnt 368 calories (15.3 distance) before going home for my healthy jacket potato and roasted vegetables.

The scales were not so kind this morning though, up a pound but I think that is not surprising. Yesterday's weight was a surprise and also my body over the last 6 weeks has been playing silly games... Now from here on down in this post may be TMI so if squeamish/you don't want to know stop reading now.

Bodily functions: Now I used to be a regular get up and go girl, even when I have previously dieted I get up and go. Now this time I have changed my habits a little more - for starters the glass of wine nearly every night has gone, I am not smoking at all. Not a nicotine patch or a sneaky one off in sight. But in the last 6 weeks I have struggled, I feel the need but I can't. I do end up going every 2 or 3 days but I would just like my body to settle into a routine, because when I don't go I feel bloated and yucky!

There are of course solutions in laxatives but having had friends get caught on the taking too many to lose weight. I don't want to even let that be a possibility so it is high fibre foods and increased water intake. Though I forgot my sliced lemons this morning, not sure what I am going to have as my afternoon drink in the office today.

Picture of the day: 

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