May 1st - Slog started

Age: 41 years 47 days

Weight: 11st 11lbs

BMI: 26.6

The house was cold this morning, mist, fog and freezing temperatures but I got out of bed and made it to the gym. Before going I got on the scales, it made me feel sad but I know I just have to keep going - I can succeed - I WILL succeed.

I guess that is the reason I am starting this blog because I must succeed! I should explain a little about me so you can understand the reason I am sharing this journey with you.

Who am I? Well, I am a single mum, I have three children and I work full time. I have had a real weight problem in the past and ballooned to 16.5 stone but I lost it and my weight has always hovered around 11 st happily for a few years. Fitting in to size 10/12 clothes and feeling sexy as hell.

As 40 approached I realised bits of my lifestyle really had to change. I gave up smoking - not entirely successfully at times but I am off the horrid things. This of course led to a minor weight gain and was added to by 'falling off' the going to the gym 3-5 times a week habit just before Xmas in 2012. 

At the beginning of April I realised I had to get this under control again, summer is approaching and I felt whale like. On April 7th I started back at the gym and on April 8th I got on the scales. OMG! 12st 2lbs!

This spurred me on - healthy eating, no smoking and cut down on my relaxation/treat glass (or two) of red wine.

But age has finally started to catch up with me.. the weight loss is slow and the effort is hard! This is why I have started this blog to share my journey with the world.

I am going to try to keep this anonymous so I can moan and whinge as well as celebrate and cheer without fear of upsetting, embarrassing or shaming anyone!

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