Lotions and potions

If you knew me as a ‘real person’ not just a nameless, faceless internet blogger you would know I have never been a real girly girl. I only learnt how to properly pluck my eyebrows in my late 30s. I had never waxed before my 39th birthday. AND until the last few weeks I have never had long fingernails – I have always bitten them.

Well, around about the time I was turning 39 I started to get a bit paranoid about my looks and getting old. It really only started gently. At the time I was single and I had started at the gym. The gym changed my shape and that was pleasing to see but then I started on creams. First it was occasionally remembering to put my night cream before bed.

That soon moved on to every day, and then I added day cream. After the day cream came the special eye cream – apparently different chemicals for different areas of the body!

You would have thought that I would stop at that moment in time. I mean this is a girl who wears walking boots (not through choice) and jeans to work. But no, now I have added firming body lotion and cellulite cream. So one cream for my calves and arms another for my thighs and stomach.

To get my nails to grow I have had to feed them cream too so I have a specialist hand and nail cream on my desk and at home special nail varnish to strengthen them.

This is all the basic stuff, before the make-up, hair mousse and hair spray!

Just looking at my gym wash bag and doing a tot up:

Shower Gel £3
Shampoo £4
Toothpaste £2
Razor £10
Body Firming Cream £8
Cellulite Cream £10
Eye Cream £8
Day Cream £10
Straightening Gel £8
Mousse £7
Deodorant £5

Total £75

And then that is replaced on a monthly basis, and then duplicated at home with extra night creams and make up removers.

Doing some sums quickly means that I spend around £130 a month on trying to look younger! That is over £1560 a YEAR! How very scary!

Then a friend of mine had her first article in the Huffington Post - this is a cream too far... I am so with her on this one!

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